
국제공정무역마을위원회 (International Fair Trade Towns Steering Committee)


(International Fair Trade Towns Steering Committee)

각국의 공정무역마을 운동을 가이드하고 지원하는 ‘국제공정무역마을위원회’는 전 세계 36개국, 2,000여개의 도시/마을과 함께(2018년 7월 기준)공정무역마을 운동에 적극적으로 참여하고 있습니다.
그 중 95%가 유럽에 집중되어 있으며, 4%에 해당하는 북미 지역과 더불어 아시아, 아프리카, 남미 등 생산지 중심의 국가에서도 공정무역마을 운동이 점차 확산되고 있습니다.

국제공정무역마을위원회와 함께 운동에 참여하는 국가는 공정무역마을 지위를 인정하는 기구가 있어야 하고(한국공정무역마을위원회), 국가 당 한명씩 내셔널 코디네이터를 지정하여 공정무역마을 운동의 확산과 지속가능한 발전을 위해 국제공정무역마을위원회와 소통을 담당해야 합니다.

이 위원회의 초기 위원들은 자원봉사자들에게 봉사할 것을 요청하고 이듬해 2013년 2월에 첫 번째 운영위원회 회의가 열린 후 폴란드 포즈난(2012)에서 모인 국가 코디네이터들의 승인을 받았습니다.

현재 국제 공정 무역 도시 운영 위원회 위원은 아래에 나열되어 있습니다:

Benoit Berger

Programs Director at Fair Trade Lebanon, representing Africa and Middle East

Benoit is the director of Fair Trade Lebanon, to the creation of which he has actively contributed in 2006. Involved since 30 years in the field of international solidarity, he shared his career between France and Lebanon.
Fair Trade Lebanon initiative was based on the observation that Lebanese women of rural communities have strong but underemployed skills and potential. The founders decided to use fair trade as a means to promote local expertise in food processing and to generate revenues for disadvantaged rural communities by creating marketing opportunities for small producers and women processing cooperatives.
In 12 years, Fair Trade Lebanon has developed a wide range of products resulting from traditional know how, including olive oil, wine, preserves, jams, distillates… which are sold through the fair trade networks of outlets in Europe, the USA and in some Gulf countries, as well as on the Lebanese market.
Fair Trade Lebanon is collaborating with 50 production units – mainly cooperatives – providing jobs to 1.400 producers, including vulnerable communities (Lebanese and refugees).
Since 2014, Fair Trade Lebanon has developed a network of nine Fair Trade Towns in Lebanon and it organized the 10th International Fair Trade Town conference in one of them, Baskinta, in 2016.

Billy Linstead Goldsmith

Sr Director of Communications and Fair Trade Campaigns, Fair Trade USA, representing North America

Billy Linstead Goldsmith came to Fair Trade Campaigns from an eight year career in community organizing in the environmental movement where he recruited, trained and developed hundreds of grassroots organizers and facilitated campaigns at the national, statewide and local levels. As the first full time National Coordinator of Fair Trade Campaigns in the U.S., he has worked closely with the wide range of stakeholders in the U.S. and international Fair Trade movement, and collaborated with them to build an inclusive campaigns movement via the “Big Tent” approach outlined in the International Fair Trade Towns Guidelines. In his 7 years in this role, he has seen the U.S. movement grow to include Fair Trade Colleges & Universities, Fair Trade Schools and Fair Trade Congregations.

Billy lives in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania with his wife, Rachel and their new son, Jack.

Humberto Llangar

representing Latin America including Mexico & Caribbean

Jatta Makkula

National coordinator at Fairtrade Finland, representing Europe

I am Jatta Makkula, a national Fair Trade Towns coordinator of Finland. I also work with the Finnish Fair Trade universities, schools and parishes. I started working at Fairtrade Finland in 2007 with products management and marketing. During these twelve years with Fairtrade I’ve seen a positive change in the Finnish consuming habits. People want more and more to know the origin and the producing conditions of the products they buy, and we want the public procurers to think the same way and Fairtrade Towns campaign is a good tool also for this goal.

I’ve seen and heard great things that are happening in Fair Trade Towns all around the world, and I want us to be able to share the good news with each other to inspire and to learn from.

Luis Heller

Sustainability Manager at Allpa SAC, WFTO LA Board Member

I am Luis Heller, Administration Manager in Allpa, a Peruvian WFTO member. I am also a board member of WFTO and WFTO LA.

 Before Allpa, I worked in the corporate world as an Administrator for many years. I decided to change things in my life, move on and work in the Fair Trade world; I think it was the correct decision.

Working in Allpa for 12 years and working in WFTO and WFTO- LA has made me aware of the struggle that a Fair Trade organization goes thru to be more modern, efficient and more socially responsible in order to get closer to the producer/artisans, clients and colleagues. Indeed, it is hard work done with a team effort approach: sharing ideas of innovation, following the principles of our organization WFTO, and the commitment to provide high quality products to our customers from the Fair Trade or conventional market.

I accepted the position in WFTO LA and the WFTO Board to learn more from our movement and bring our ideas to it. 

I see our work in Fair Trade Towns and now on the Int. Fair Trade Towns Steering Commitee as a challenge to make our region and the global organization closer to make our objectives as only one. Our regions have different particularities and that is what make us unique; but at the end, we only have one Main Objective: to make Fair Trade and Fair Trade Towns globally stronger.

Our job in the global south, in this case LA is in partnership with CLAC, SPP and WFTO LA. It is very important to bring the position of producers and artisans to the table of progress and integration of North and South. To me we are a global movement, not north and south separate; but, one social movement.

Miok Claire Lee

representing Asia-Pacific and Oceania

FTT national coordinator for South Korea, representing Asia region

Tadeusz Makulski

President, Polish Fair Trade Association

Tadeusz is a Fair Trade Expert of the Polish Fair Trade Association;  national coordinator of Fair Trade Campaign in Poland; former member of the Board of Directors for WFTO-Europe;  coordinator of the program Have a Heart adoption” of “Maitri” Movement Poland (sponsorship of orphans and children from poverty stricken families in Africa and Asia); Master’s degree in Political Science and used to be an entrepreneur for 20 years.

Valeria Rodriguez

Head of Advocacy & Public Engagement of Max Havelaar France

Valeria Rodriguez is the head of Advocacy & Public Engagement of Max Havelaar France, one of the organizations that carries the Fair Trade Towns campaign in France.  She represent her organization on the steering committee of French Fair Trade Towns campaign. She had more than 9 years of experience in the Fairtrade movement in differents positions as media and corporate communications manager, advocacy manager…

Before joining Max Havelaar France, Valeria worked for more than 15 years as journalist in Ecuador, where she is from, and France (several TV, radio and press).

She began her career working as a communication officer for Taller Visual, a small nonprofit organization specializing in the research and preservation of photographic records of Ecuador’s cultural heritage. She participated in several research projects focused on finding and preserving the first images of the indigenous peoples of Ecuador, and this was the beginning of her permanent commitment to the struggles of indigenous organizations in Ecuador. In 1992 she worked at CONAIE, Confederation of Indian peoples of Ecuador as Press officer during the campaign for the commemoration of 500 years of Indian resistance. In 1996 she was Press officer for the Indian candidate, Miguel Lluco during the election campaign that brought him to the Chamber of Deputies of Ecuador.

Then Valeria turned to journalism. Between 1997 and 2001, she worked in Ecuador as a reporter for the TV station, SÍ TV. She was also a freelance journalist for the daily newspaper Hoy.

In France, Valeria obtained a master’s degree in Communication and Political Science, while working as a freelance for several daily newspapers in different countries, such as El Universo (Ecuador), and La Prensa (Panama), Super (United Arab Emirates) or Deutsche Welle TV-Latin American section (Germany).  She also worked for two years in the Latin American section of Radio France Internationale (RFI) as a news anchor, reporter, and editor of the website.